What I’ve Learned Whilst Working from Home in A Global Pandemic

Hello Karina Here
3 min readJan 31, 2021

It’s Hard

I’m not going to lie, but working from home felt great at first. It was nice to be in my own space with my own things, and I could fit in my routine nicely. Especially when I gained so much time from not having to commute! It felt like a really great opportunity.

I was exercising, having smoothies, sleeping well, enjoying long walks in the evening sun and feeling energised with the morning… I was feeling like I was turning a corner in my happiness and wellbeing.

And then I was barely talking to anyone — the day-to-day office conversations weren’t there. My conversations with my partner, at the end of the day, became strained. I didn’t have much to talk about after being alone all day. On top of that, I started to obsess about how clean the house was and what to organise next…

I soon realised that my wellbeing wasn’t that good after all.

Pandemic Anxiety is Real

Not only had my mental resilience dwindled, I had repeated worries about a tickly throat. I worried about going outdoors. I had insomnia. There have been all kinds of tingles and palpitations and tightness of chest — I knew I was starting to lose control.

So, What Did I Do?

Well, I took it back to basics. By that, I mean that I stripped back my daily routine so that I didn’t have too much expectation on myself to be super productive and proactive, at a time that I needed to re-coup.

Eating well and regularly became my main focus. I went out for simple walks for fresh air, rather than yoga routines and kettle bell workouts. Breathing deeply throughout the day helped me, so I could be present within my self, rather than lost in my thoughts. I also picked up my Five Minute Journal — A goal setting and gratitude journal that you complete daily (or when you need to). I started it at the beginning of the year, even before the pandemic hit the UK, but with all the stress that gathered within me, I soon let it go. It was easy to forget how helpful it was to focus on the right things for the day.

I also had to start setting proper boundaries for myself whilst working from home. It was too easy to sit in front of the computer all day — I had to make sure that I had lunch away from my desk. Downstairs in my living room or in my kitchen, where my rooms of choice. I would factor in my walk during my lunch as well, to work up an appetite after sitting all morning. I also set an alarm to finish work and make sure my evening away from the screen started.

After about 10 days of ensuring I did the simplest of things, I started to feel a break in the clouds. The overwhelm lifted and I was able to factor in more things like reading, which I love. The space this made also allowed for better conversations with my partner. He had been patient with me, but as I wasn’t able to articulate what was the matter for a long time, understandably he started to get frustrated.

What I Learned

Simply put, I’ve learned to pay attention to myself earlier. I was convincing myself that things were normal in an abnormal world. To be honest, it’s caught me off guard a few times. But I will listen to the signs. When the nights start getting restless, when my neck starts to get tight and the headaches return… all these things are signs that I need to take a beat. And so I will. Especially as the end of the pandemic is not in sight, just yet...



Hello Karina Here

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